Absolutely. The goal of these photoshoots is to capture images of you as a “normal person”, not as a persona that you might put on. So actually, the less you know about modelling, the better!
Many women prefer to be photographed by another woman, and I certainly don’t want to get in the way of that! I believe that for some there advantages to working with a male photographer, such as:
- Men and women see women differently, and their ideas of “sexy” can be quite different. If you’d like your photographs to reflect a male’s perspective then it can make sense to have a male photographer.
- For some women it’s easier to show their sensual or sexy side when there is the familiar female/male dynamic with the photographer
- If your photographs are a gift for a male partner, it could be beneficial to have a male’s opinion and perspective on them
Regardless of their gender, find a photographer who makes you feel safe and comfortable, so that you can be your most beautiful, powerful, sexy during the shoot! If you’d like to learn more about my approach, you can read more about me and my vision. And if you’d like a quick chat or video call with me to feel it out some more, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
If I want to use a photograph of you for my website portfolio or social media account, I will always ask for your explicit consent first, and you are under no obligation to agree to that.
I store backups of all photoshoots on external hard drives which I keep in my office. Additionally, I back up each hard drive to Amazon S3 cloud storage, which offers industry-leading security, data protection, regulatory compliance. Your photographs are stored for five years, and then deleted.
I made minor edits to the photographs, such as applying a colour style and adjusting contrast. I also can remove any temporary blemishes like bruises or cuts. Apart from that, I don’t do anything to alter your appearance. A core principle of as you are is that the person you see in the photographs is 100% you.
Yes, makeup hair styling is available as an optional extra.
Yes, I can give guidance on what styles and colours will work best for the kind of experience and photographs that you’re looking for. You can read more about that at your experience.